The Pemberton Karate Club practices traditional Shito Ryu karate. Visitors of any style are welcome to join us.

Pemberton Classes are at Signal Hill School:
Preschool (4-5) - Wednesday, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Children (6-12) - Monday and Wednesday, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Adults - Monday and Wednesday, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Chief Instructor:
Wim Tewinkel is a seventh degree black belt. He has been teaching karate in Pemberton for more than 30 years.

He is cofounder of the Shito Ryu Sato Ha International Federation (formerly known as Shito Ryu Seiko International Association) and for 16 years as International Coordinator and as president, he organized and set-up a worldwide organization encompassing 25 countries. He visited and taught karate and kobudo in many countries. He resigned from his position as president in 2018.
He studies Qi Chong and Chin Na and has a second degree black belt in Kobudo (Ancient Okinawan Weapons Martial Art).

Wim lives in Poole Creek and holds a Level 2 NCCP coaching certificate and he's a certified Referee.

Contact: phone 604.452.2364

Senior Instructor:
Doug Bush is a fifth degree black belt. He lives in Whistler and has a Level 1 NCCP coaching certificate. He has been practicing and teaching with the Pemberton/Whistler Karate Club for more than 35 years and has been making the trip from Whistler to Pemberton at least two times per week.